The Zombie Cookbook The Vampire Zombie Werewolf Cookoff Cookbook edition by JO Osbourne Cookbooks Food Wine eBooks

Whether you're looking to impress your dinner guests during Halloween or just have an urge to eat eyeballs, brains and severed fingers, a few simple techniques and recipes can easily fill up your plate with fright. Common ingredients, like olives, ketchup and marshmallows can be transformed into eyeballs, blood and sticky brain matter. While some of the following recipes do require some culinary know-how, most are simple to assemble and can be made in less than an hour. That's good news for those looking to get freaked-out fast.
The Zombie Cookbook The Vampire Zombie Werewolf Cookoff Cookbook edition by JO Osbourne Cookbooks Food Wine eBooks
Not exactly what I was looking for. But Im sure someone will enjoy it.Product details

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The Zombie Cookbook The Vampire Zombie Werewolf Cookoff Cookbook edition by JO Osbourne Cookbooks Food Wine eBooks Reviews
I wasn't sure if this book would be just silly or gross or something useful. And it's a little of each. It contains many recipe that are perfect for a Halloween party. Basically, how to make tasty food that looks like body parts. Definately fun and I'm sure I will put it to use someday. My kids will love it!
From the title, I wasn't sure if I was meant to be cooking zombies, cooking for zombies or cooking gruesome food but after a couple of pages I got the idea! Basically this is selection of 35 recipes and drinks that take traditional foods and give them the Halloween treatment. It's also one of the funniest cookbooks ever written and can definitely be read just for the amusement of the descriptions.
I'd recommend this book to anyone who wants to create some gruesome themed food since the recipes are actually well thought-out and described. More importantly, I'd recommend it anyone with kids if you're trying to convince them to eat more vegetables. The recipes are generally very healthy and vegetable based so if your kids won't touch olives and carrots, turn them into eyeballs and severed fingers to create more interest.
Overall, this is a highly imaginative cook book that's both fun and healthy at the same time.
Disclosure I was provided with a complimentary review copy.
Ah, those brains with a splash of blood on the cover--or was it lettuce with a splash of tomato. Whatever, the cover's perfectly designed for this Halloween food extravaganza, otherwise known as the Zombie Cookbook by J. O. Osbourne. More pictures in the text would have been nice, but they'd up the price and this book isn't meant to be expensive--it's meant to entertain and prepare you for the guys night out on October 31st, or on whatever other day your young-adult friends want to gather and pretend to be Zombies.
There are recipes for kids (for feeding them, not for eating them) such as Meringue Bone Cookies (quick and easy) and recipes that will appeal to the gourmet parents too (Pann Cotta Brain with Cranberry Sauce anyone?). You can even end your party with recipes for non-designated drivers like Brain Hemorrhage Shots ("Try not to puke" while you make them, though they sound very tasty, just "visually terrifying"). The designated driver gets to enjoy some Bayou Slime instead, so who's complaining.
Bloodshot Eyeball Potato Soup will warm you up after trick-or-treating, Avocado Brain Dip in a Cauliflower will treat your vegetarian zombie friends with crunchy vitamin C, the crawling hands in the chicken potpie recipe will encourage your creative side as you follow simple, clear and easy directions (and "give hand a high five for a job well done" when it's finished), and the Bloody Baked Rats will challenge your willingness to use your fingers for shaping seasoned ground beef. The recipes are perfectly titled, built from simple, readily available ingredients, suitably varied for a mixture of zombie diets, and definitely fun.
Get the kids to help making Jell-O "Blood" worms instead of buying gummy treats. And Happy Halloween!
Disclosure I received a free ecopy of this cook book in exchange for my honest review.
Trying to make meals more fun for picky pint sized eaters? Planning a big Halloween party? Want to have a kickoff celebration for the next season of The Walking Dead? Or merely dying to nourish your inner zombie? Well look no further, since this is the book for you. Great recipes made to have all the zombies in your life clamoring for seconds, instead of just for brains.
Somehow, along the way, I journeyed from vampire fangirldom to full blown zombie mania. I blame the sparkly vampires for pushing me to the dark and mouldering side of undead fandom. Whatever the cause, I am a big time zombie fan. And as a zombie fan, I have a unique appreciation for anything zombie related that does not take itself too seriously. Which is why this book sounded so, well, appetizing, to me. Having read many quirky themed cookbooks, I knew that this book was either going to be totally cheesy, or totally awesome. My vote goes to awesome.
The thing I liked best about this book is that these are really delicious sounding recipes. This is not a book that is going to tell you to peel grapes to make them feel like eyeballs, and cook some spaghetti to simulate brains. Oh no, this book is far more sophisticated than that. Sure, most of the recipes are intended to look gross, and have gross titles, but when you read the actual recipes themselves, most sound really tasty. I personally cannot wait to try the chicken dish titled Bloody Eyeballs.
The book covers a variety of courses. You have appetizers, soups, entrees, even desserts. And most of the recipes are really simple, using fairly standard and ordinary ingredients. That means that this could be a great opportunity to get your kids to help with cooking. I mean, what kid would not be excited to help make a batch of Bloody Baked Rats or Brain Cupcakes?
The book make me laugh, and it made me hungry, so I think all in all, it is an effective book. Well done, bring on the brains.
I dont know what to write about this except that it was cool. These reviews expect too many words. I dont have time to make long reviews of everything I buy!!!!!!
I plan to actually try out some of the recipes in this book. They are different from the usual Halloween recipes that are available in other books.
The recipes are funny and some are good ideas for Halloween. Overall the recipes are simple and wouldn't really be that funny without the recipe with it. Tomato Soup with olives= eyeball blood soup. Stuff like that.
Not exactly what I was looking for. But Im sure someone will enjoy it.

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