Loch The Zone Unknown Book 1 edition by Paul Zindel Children eBooks

Loch The Zone Unknown Book 1 edition by Paul Zindel Children eBooks
A young boy see 's a monster attack, years later he sees the creature again. Then is forced to choose between doing what's best for his family or saving his friends lives. This is a very good book, I could not stop reading it once I started.
Tags : Loch (The Zone Unknown Book 1) - Kindle edition by Paul Zindel. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Loch (The Zone Unknown Book 1).,ebook,Paul Zindel,Loch (The Zone Unknown Book 1),Graymalkin Media,JUVENILE FICTION Action & Adventure Survival Stories,JUVENILE FICTION Monsters
Loch The Zone Unknown Book 1 edition by Paul Zindel Children eBooks Reviews
LOCH is Paul Zindel's follow-up to his other big-thing-in-water story, REEF OF DEATH (unread by me). Zindel keeps the story on a level teen-agers will be into, with mostly one-dimensional adult characters (they exhibit, however, more life than anyone in the RESIDENT EVIL series), and a spirited, high-energy perspective of things to keep the sense of adventure high.
What's surprising about this Young Adult novel is that the attacks are not only violent, they are particularly disturbing. They aren't especially graphic in descriptions of gore, but I suppose it's more a more shocking experience when you get lured into the brisk, shallow YA reading state, and don't really believe that any of these likeable, surprisingly real characters will get ripped limb from limb... but they do. Even the "rich, control-freak idiot mogul" character is sympathized with, as he is the hero's "girlfirend"'s father.
The action is effective and greatly intriguing when it moves from the expected location of the lake to little hideaway places, like a hidden waterfall and the abandoned logging mill, which sets the scene for the book's exciting, ANACONDA-like climax.
Still, One can't help but wish that Zindel had maybe opened this book up a little more, spent some time on the characters and atmosphere. All that is great as it is, but I wanted more. But I suppose to draw it out to anything more than YA novel might be to sacrifice some of the qualities that set it aside from your typical Benchley fare.
For a young reader or anyone with an open mind for fast-reading, effective action fiction, this is a 4-star book, and no less.
But to a jaded reader of the "something in the deep" genre, it's a solid 3 and a 1/2-star read. Either way, it's highly recommended.
I read `Loch' when I was eleven years old and I'll be quick to say that I loved every minute of it. It was fast paced, entertaining and adult enough to make me feel as though I was reading a meaty novel as apposed to a youth related beginner book. Paul Zindel is able to spin a web for the younger crowd that strays away from the corny overtones of too many young reader novels and gives them a taste of the more grown up science fiction ala Michael Crichton while numbing down the gore and language and providing a wholesomely entertaining ride that the your young reader can enjoy. That's not to say there is no action and or even violence here, for quite a few deaths ensue, but it's no where near the gore-factor of say `Jurassic Park'.
`Loch' follows young Loch and his sister Zaidee as they accompany their father on yet another expedition, this time to find descendents of `Nessie' who have been sighted in a Vermont lake. Along with they find a boat load of trouble, mostly found in the form of their father's boss, Anthony Cavenger who is so intent on capturing or even killing these prehistoric beasts just to make a name for himself that he places everyone around him in harms way.
Loch and his sister, as well as Cavenger's daughter Sarah decide to foil these plans when they stumble upon a baby Plesiosaurus they name Wee Beastie. Their plan ends up getting quite a few people killed, but its all in the name of justice right? `Loch' remains a splendidly written science fiction novel for the younger crowd that is sure to entertain and occupy and even encourage reading at a young age. All to often a novel is either too boring and or uninspiring or too graphic and complicated for the pre-teen crowd, but `Loch' is a perfect balance of suspense and censorship that it provides a wonderful stepping stone to even better reading.
He loves animals and so I thought he'd love this story about saving creatures that are discovered not to be extinct, I think it was a little too violent in parts for him.
it was a very good book and I enjoyed it a lot.it was interesting though some might think it had a lot of action and killing in it.
It was one of my favorites in middle school and it's very worth the read. Great for boys and girls!
Love this book and I'm happy to have it again.
Purchased it for my youngest son a d he really enjoyed reading it for which I am very, very happy.
A young boy see 's a monster attack, years later he sees the creature again. Then is forced to choose between doing what's best for his family or saving his friends lives. This is a very good book, I could not stop reading it once I started.

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